The class bell rings.
The professor says "welcome to introduction to carbon credits..." and you think about skipping out the back door (or closing this browser tab).
You picked professor Carbon Farmer® because of their gamification approach to this rather dry doomsday subject.
It won't be boring. We promise.
Remember this episode of hit TV show Friends, where Phoebe needs to eat meat while she is pregnant and Joey goes vegetarian to balance out their total meat consumed? Well in that analogy, Joey would have created a "vegetarian credit." He took an action (stopped eating any meat) that was different than his normal activity or baseline (eating lots of meat).
What we do is similar but for climate change.
We take land that historically been cleared (the baseline), ensure it is protected for conservation and turn it back to forest (the action) that store carbon the way mother nature intended.
So, if you want to balance the carbon emissions from say your business flight last week, we'll store the equivalent amount for you for $15/tonne.
Of course, this doesn't mean you should fly to all your meetings instead of using video conferencing. We advocate strongly for reducing your carbon footprint as much as you can first before you buy carbon credits for the rest.
Oh, and by the way vegetarians, like our co-founder Rebecca Edwards Rabiey, also have a lower carbon footprint too.
Featured Partners
More LED options. More savings. More trees.
Founded in 2003 and based out of North York, Ontario, Canada, Turolight has been leading the way in lighting technology since then. They deliver brighter, better, for less to save you more money. And with their latest commitment to plant more trees they hope to be a catalyst to help save the world too.
Animal Experience International
Improving the welfare of animals around the globe
From endangered turtle rehabilitation in Canada to restoring the bat and flying fox populations in east Australia, Animal Experience International (AEI) empowers students, professionals and animal lovers to travel by providing exceptional volunteer adventures on nearly every continent. Learn how this outstanding organization also works diligently to ensure that the air remains clean and abundant for generations of rescued animal and volunteer friends to come.
Coming Soon!
Garth Braun
Day 10
"We'd like the actions of Blackbird to be a tipping point for the oil and gas industry"
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