Carbon Certification

Third-Party Proof

Starting with our first project in 2007 we've always tried to follow industry best practices and have based our carbon credit sales on third-party assessments, but we're excited to have taken the next step with the largest project on the Rabiey family farm.

Mom’s Boreal Forest Afforestation Project has been certified as an afforestation/reforestation (A/R) project developed under ISO 14064 with the Project Development Documents being validated ex-ante for just over 18,125 tCO2e (18,125.32 tCO2e to exact) after 100 years by Aster Global Environmental Solutions. A public disclosure of the project is below:

Project Development Document

Validation Report

Tonnes Sold (as of May 31, 2021):

Ownership of tonnes 1 through 11,000 assigned to LivClean Corp.

Ownership of tonnes 11,001 through 11,041 assigned to Orkestra.

Ownership of tonnes 11,042 through 11,043 assigned to The Sustainable Events Forum Summit

Ownership of tonnes 11,044 through 11,045 assigned to TSEF Earth Day for Event People

Ownership of tonnes 11,046 through 14,045 assigned to LivClean Corp.

Ownership of tonnes 14,046 through 14,050 assigned to GreenShows.

Ownership of tonnes 14,051 through 18,125 assigned to LivClean Corp.

If you have any questions about our carbon certification process or this project in particular don't hesitate to contact us anytime. 


We'll plant and care for a tree in your name, so you can restore habitat.

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We'll offset your carbon footprint, so you can address climate change.

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Featured Partners


More LED options. More savings. More trees.

Founded in 2003 and based out of North York, Ontario, Canada, Turolight has been leading the way in lighting technology since then. They deliver brighter, better, for less to save you more money. And with their latest commitment to plant more trees they hope to be a catalyst to help save the world too.

Animal Experience International

Improving the welfare of animals around the globe

From endangered turtle rehabilitation in Canada to restoring the bat and flying fox populations in east Australia, Animal Experience International (AEI) empowers students, professionals and animal lovers to travel by providing exceptional volunteer adventures on nearly every continent. Learn how this outstanding organization also works diligently to ensure that the air remains clean and abundant for generations of rescued animal and volunteer friends to come.

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Garth Braun

Day 10

"We'd like the actions of Blackbird to be a tipping point for the oil and gas industry"

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